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The chapter must be prepared according to the following sequence:


  • Family name

  • Author(s) name(s)

  • Illustration of a common species

  • Diagnosis: a list of diagnostic morphological features of the adults, which enable the reader to promptly distinguish the family from other dipterans, and specially from closely related families.

  • Biology: information on natural history, adult and larval feeding habits, and economic importance. Details about South American species, if available, are preferred.

  • Classification: classification proposal(s) and phylogenetic relationships of the family and within the family.

  • Identification: references of identification keys to the South American fauna, including relevant and useful keys to genera, and keys to species of large/important genera.

  • Key to genera: key to genera occurring in South America, with illustrations of most diagnostic features.

  • Synopsis of the fauna: Beginning with a short paragraph on the South American diversity (number of genera, number of species) relative to the world and regional (Neotropical) diversity. Followed by one-paragraph note for each genera occurring in South America (in alphabetical order), summarizing its diversity, distribution, keys, natural history and relevant literature, when available.

  • Literature cited.

  • Figure legend.


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