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  • All chapters submitted to the Manual of South American Diptera will undergo peer-review by at least two referees, one of which may be a member of the Editorial Panel. Peer-review is to double-check taxonomical information, polish and standardize language and provide additional perspective to chapters.

  • Each chapter has an invited “corresponding” author, who may additionally invite one or more co-authors.

  • Corresponding authors shall submit information on the progress of chapters according to established deadlines.

  • A complete electronic version of the chapter MS should be submitted to the Editors for a preliminary review. Once Editors check format and content, it will be forwarded for peer-reviewing. Low-resolution figures should be submitted with the chapter contributions at this stage. If the MS does not fit the format or expectations on content, it will be returned for changes before being sent out for peer-review.

  • Peer-reviewers will receive a standard form for comments. If there are not two specialists in the family (or the general chapter) available, a related specialist will be contacted for review or an appropriate Panel member will undertake the task.

  • All correspondence will be by electronic e-mail. The peer-review process is confidential, and reviewers' comments and opinions should be sent directly to the Editors.

  • Comments received from both assigned reviewers should be added to comments and notes from the Panel member before forwarding the revised draft to the Editors. Conflicting opinions between reviewers should be addressed by the Panel member with the Editors for a final decision. Corrections and comments should be made in the Track Changes mode to be clearly visible to the Editors upon receipt.

  • Refereed drafts and high-resolution illustrations will be sent to the Editors, who will undertake final copy-editing, check references, headings, layout, and format, as well as re-numbering illustrations. Final versions will be sent to the authors for their approval before submission to typesetters. For multi-authored chapters it is the corresponging authors' responsibility to ensure that the final draft is approved by all contributing co-authors.

  • The Editors will liaise with typesetters, proof-readers, and printers for all matters related to the final production of the Manual. Once the chapters are typeset and Editors are satisfied with layout, etc., a low-resolution galley proof pdf file will be forwarded to the corresponging author for final checking and approval. No major changes will be accepted at this stage.

  • After publication, corresponding authors will receive a print-quality pdf file of their respective chapter(s), and a printed copy of the entire volume in which their chapters appear. It is the responsibility of the corresponding authors to distribute PDF reprints to their co-authors, when necessary.

  • New taxonomic names (or any nomenclatural acts) should not appear in the Manual and authors are strongly encouraged to have papers with new genera published before the Manual, so “Genus A” etc. could be entirely avoided.


(largely based on the website of the Manual of the Afrotropical Diptera)


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